NOTICE FOR MARCH 3-4, 2025: CFMA accounts will be inaccessible from 8 am on March 3, 2025, through 8 am on March 4, 2025, for maintenance. This may impact access to renew or join CFMA, Connection Café, CFMA's 2025 Annual Conference registration, BP Online, CFMA education, etc. Thank you for your patience, and please contact with any questions.
The Kansas City Chapter of CFMA serves as the primary resource for construction financial professionals in the Kansas City Area. Our members consist of construction firms, including general contractors, construction managers, specialty and trade contractors, heavy and highway contractors, as well as service providers to the construction industry such as accounting firms, insurance, and surety bonding providers, construction lawyers, and IT firms.
In addition to the education and networking provided by our chapter, you can also find a variety of resources offered by CFMA.
Stay up to date about all our events via our email distribution list. Sign up below!
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