Kansas City is on Fire! Well not literally....

Oct 2, 2024 - 7:30 AM (CT) - Grand Street Cafe- 4740 Grand Ave, Kansas City, MO 64112
Hosted by Kansas City, MO

About this Event

Join us for everyone's favorite Economic Development expert Tim Cowden as we take a deep dive into the immense activity the great Kansas City region has seen from a development and jobs perspective. Tim will share updates on what is to come in the future, as well as highlight some of the milestone projects that are hitting front page news.  

Featured Speakers

Tim Cowden- President & CEO- Kansas City Area Development Council

Tim Cowden leads strategic direction and vision for the Kansas City Area Development Council. In partnership with 250 corporate business leaders and 50+ community partners across the two-state, 18-county area, over the last five years, KCADC has helped attract $7.7 billion of new capital investment and 16,000 jobs to the KC region.

From positioning key industry strengths including advanced manufacturing, distribution and eCommerce, tech and cybersecurity, and animal health and bioscience, KCADC helps the world recognize the KC Heartland as a top destination for business and talent.

Consistently recognized as a leader in economic development, Tim Cowden has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Forbes, MarketWatch, Industry Week and The Washington Post, providing insight into top industry trends and real-time market analysis.

KCADC is ranked the No. 1 regional economic development group in the country and recognized internationally for its robust marketing communications strategies.



Members: $35.00
Non-members: $50.00

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